Perhaps you stumbled across this blog because you were researching this company. If you have yet to do so, do not remit any payment or sign any contracts with this fraudulent company. They will spin elaborate tales of their legitimacy and abilities to help you w/ your business plan, dissertation, editing and other services. Unfortunately for many, these lies cost them thousands of dollars. You see, Precision Consulting Company, LLC is the rebranding of Minimax Consulting and/or MCG International, also known as
These con artists go out of their way to make your life miserable by repeatedly lying to you regarding progress on your project. You see, they outsource all your work. Their business model is a small business dealing solely with outsourced contractors -- usually the Philippines or India. Really, there are only a handful of people that actually run the business, everyone else is hundreds, if not thousands of miles away. Are they competent contractors? Do they know how to edit and assess Ph.D. level work? Of course not! But you won't know that until you've remitted payment. They were tricky about accepting payments anyway, since they dealt solely in cash and cashier's check. You see, credit card purchases had the legal backing of the credit card company and that would be WAY too many issues.
For a while they maintained the facade of a legitimate company. That's until students were being grossly mistreated. Their A rating on the BBB quickly plummeted to an F and they were no longer accredited. So recently they've shut down Minimax, claiming they'll be working their current projects until the end of the year. Essentially, this means setting up shop in two new states, with new business licenses and more obscurity.
I'm here to warn you about this company. Visit or measured up, or simply google minimax consulting and you will find a plethora of documented discrepancies in their business practices, both with customers and their own unhappy, sued their asses employees.
A brief history about Minimax: it was initially won by Pete W. Chabot who is a registered felon for SEC violations in the early 2000s. Yea, he decided to take investor money and spend it on lavish trips around the world, sporting events, clothes and other useless things while telling investors that his "hedge fund" was growing exponentially -- 42 percent a year! To the investors dismay, however, Chabot hadn't invested one penny of that money. So he went down by the hand of the SEC and served time in prison in NY state.
Next, they decided to move back to Rhode Island where they have family. After all, Pete and Charlotte allegedly met at Brown University. Pete regularly says he attended Brown and MIT, but no one really knows what he's really done or accomplished. In fairness, Chabot probably never had a chance considering his father is currently incarcerated in Rhode Island for scamming landlords, investors and tenants out of all their mortgage payments and investor funds. Together with his wife Charlotte, the Chabots started Minimax Consulting. However, as word got around that he was a convicted felon, they quickly took Pete off the website and put Charlotte in charge and registered as a woman-owned business. Classy Charlotte. They hired and fired people on a whim, scummed students, executives and everyone trusting their #1 google listing who enlisted their services.
The rest, my dears, is history. Internet history that is. Simply google Minimax Consulting and have an in-depth review of their fraudulent ways. Clark Guo and Barron Gati are still at the helm because they've sacrificed good hard work for undercutting and exploiting the student demographic. Moral corruption aside, I urge you to avoid this company like the plague. Save your money and only do business with a reputable company. Never send money virtually or western union.
You can see the SEC papers here:
And the story about Pierre Chabot (Pete's Dad) here:
Minimax Consulting Rebranding
The rebranding of Minimax Consulting. The scamming saga continues.
Vist for further information and history regarding Precision Consulting Company, LLC.